You might remember this line!
"...not the best in the world... be completely honest, this was one of the poorest sprite movies ever... What was up with the people randomly vanishing, why weren't the images next to everyone's text NOT pixely, and what was up with the Super Mario World Bowser ground? ...AND the background could have used loads of work (at least add one for detail reasons) and who's that freak that talks to Tails about how loneliness defeats him...? WHY WAS EVERYONE FROM DIFFERENT GAMES?!?! Since when are Shadow and Mario friends? How about Knuckles and Yoshi? WHAT WAS THIS?!"
Answer: This was a saga the second installment of the series on the Eighth Episode. You wouldn't watch DBZ at the end of the series would u? Dumbass. I think this series has done pretty well for 2 years running!
You have the nerve to talk shit about the fla that I made yet yours is a piece of shit. I laugh at your face. hahaha
First of all your sprites wasn't really animated that well. Your movie was 2 damn short not even a min. The backgrounds and the lack of music u had wasn't entertaining at all. The background and music seemed like it was ripped out of the Nes Emulators ass so quick and u just threw it on there to make it seem worthwhile. You are a disgrace to the fla community and If i was you next time you should see what exactly is going in a series before u conclude anything to say about it. Maybe u need to take advice of those fans that reviewed this. Make the movie longer Much much longer. u know u have a short movie when a DIal up user loads in 2 mins.